Tuesday, January 1, 2013


As I type this, we are 1 DAY in to this brand new year.  There are many goals that I am wanting to achieve in my personal and professional life, as too the majority of the population and one of my goals is holding myself more accountable! With out it, I can find 102 different excuses on why I didn't make it happen. 
So,  I am going to be doing 4 90 day challenges this year. Obviously, they will stagger on top of one another and I look forward to sharing my journey here with you!

MY GOALS to meet by 4/1/2013:

*Lose 25 lbs
*Read 3 books
*Scrapbook 1 day per week for 1 hr minimum (my little mommy hobbie)
*Do something 'new' as a family at LEAST once per month 
*Make 2 fridays per month date night for Tony and I

*Get my next pin level promotion of Senior Executive Sales Director or as say SESD
*Add $500 to my residual income 
*Enroll at LEAST 30 new team members to work from home 
*Create a youtube video- introducing myself to the world!
*Hit 1000 likes on both fb business pages

So now that you know where I want to be in 3 months time, I am creating a game plan to get there. Obviously, you have to make small goals to hit the big ones. So in order to meet the goals I have listed above, I will need to stay to a pretty tight schedule and be consistent on a daily basis. 

The first thing I will be doing is creating my inspirational board. I have never done it in the passed, but I believe because I am such a visual learner, It will definitely help me in the long run to be able to SEE where I want to be, rather then just say it, ya know. So by January 7th, 2013, I will post a picture of my board.

So Personally: 
I will be working out for 1 hr M-F with my work out buddy Katie and also start a food log, to keep track of what I am actually consuming and get control of it. 
On Sundays, in the morning I will scrapbook for 1 hr. I started making these books of my kids when they were first born and unfortunately, I stopped making the time to keep up with it. So my goal is to get it all caught up to date. I will also post the scrapbook pages at the end of my 90 days to show you what I have been working on . As for the family outings and date nights, I will definitely take pictures and update information on my facebook (www.facebook.com/michelle.everett.ap). For the reading, I will be buying a new book on the first of each month from Amazon. These are recommended books that the leaders in network marketing and specifically from our team have recommended. This will help me not only personally but professionally grow and expand my mind.

Professionally: My goal had always been to call 100 new leads per week, which will come to 400 per month. I want to double that. I believe, to really see the expansion of my business and have it take off the way I want it to, I will need to push myself to the furthest extent. So, my goal is a minimum of 40 new leads , but ideally 50 DAILY. Now these have to be fresh opt in leads, meaning they are going directly to my website and requesting for me to contact them. I have always worked the free advertising methods and I stand behind them 150% and will continue to work it. However, I am now in a place, where I can invest alot more into my home business. So, that is my plan. To have 5 different online methods going on everyday to generate leads. Also, for the membership side, I will be placing 3000 fliers locally here in the Las Vegas valley. On the 1st and the 15th of each month, I will do 1500 fliers, well Tony probably will :) However, it will get done!
By doing all of these daily actions, will result in my reaching the $500 increase in residual income, 30 new team members and 1000 new fans on my facebook business pages. Which will ultimately find new leaders on my team and that will give me the promotion to SESD that I am looking for. 
If there is ANYTHING  I have learned while being in the network marketing field, its the small consistent daily efforts that bring out the big bonuses! big promotions! big checks! and the best part the freedom you are looking for.

So now that you all know my game plan and goals that I have set for myself, I am looking forward to starting this adventure. Today was DAY 1 of my 90 day challenge, so 89 more days to go baby! 



Sat,1/5/13 - 5/85 days 

Will be going through some old magazines today to create my Inspirational Vision board either this evening or tomorrow afternoon! I am really excited about this, because I have never personally created one before. I should have, since I am SUCH a visual person, but it doesn't matter because this year it will be done :) 
~I will be back this evening to finish out the rest of todays progress !

 Fri, 1/4/13 - 4/86 days
Okay, so yesterday didn't go so well, but today is a new day. Although I didn't get calls in ( which slap on the wrist to me) , I did spend about 3 hours in the evening, responding to emails from my team and potential prospects with questions. Also, updated my business fan pages on facebook and posted ads in the fb groups that I am part of. Paid for my monthly ad, so the beginning of next week can start off with a bang!
 I definitely love sharing leads with my team who are actively working, so I went through the prospects from my free ads and sent quite a few to some team members as well. It is very important to have people to talk to and I try my best to always have them on the phone :)

 Day 3 - 87 more....
Honestly, Today was my grandfathers funeral and was unable to dedicate myself to fullfilling many goals for my business. However, I will pick right back up where I left off tomorrow :)

 DAY 2 - 88 TO GO .....
So today was productive before I even woke up. I love opening up my emails and seeing that I was getting paid while I was sleeping :)  I had a new team member enroll herself and then only a few hours later to have a gentlemen follow in her footsteps and join my team as well! So I must say, today was good! I called all of my optin leads today and have responded to many emails. Making sure that I am keeping everything updated.
I was NOT able to get to the gym today, however, I did jump on my kids trampoline for about 40 minutes... so I burned a few :D
Ooohhh I also pulled out all of scrapbooking material from my storage and the pictures. I will be able to get to it over the weekend. I also plan on creating my vision board then too!